HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an excellent film that shows the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with nuance and understanding.

Col. Richard Kemp, Former Chief of Command of British Forces in Afghanistan
also available on
an award-winning feature documentary on one of the most contested conflicts in the world.
Todd Morehead, an American Christian with a deep love for Israel, sets off on a journey across the Holy Land to confront his indifference toward the Palestinians and to search for the deeper truths behind one of the most perplexing and polarizing conflicts in the world.
Along the way, he discovers the painful struggles of Jews, Muslims and Christians on both sides of the conflict. The result is an enlightening journey that exposes viewers to perspectives rarely seen in the media, and a challenge to a man’s heart to love his enemy.
Official Trailer
several foreign language subtitle options are available on Vimeo On Demand
We hope by viewing this highly acclaimed film and new docuseries you will
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an amazing documentary! It’s the first time I’ve ever seen something accurately explain every aspect of the conflict and still leave me feeling hopeful for peace! This is a must watch and must share!
A candid, courageous, and passionate journey through the complexities of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND serves as an essential guide for all people of faith who care about peace.
An incredibly honest, balanced, and insightful look into the complicated yet critically important drama unfolding in the Holy Land today. A must-watch!
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND allowed me to hear voices I’ve never heard, examine myths that have never been clarified, and analyze presumptions that I’ve never quantified. POWERFUL. PROVOCATIVE. PAINFUL. INTRIGUING. INSPIRING. EMBARRASSINGLY ENLIGHTENING.
Sensitive and insightful, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a model of how people of faith, and indeed, all loving human beings, can embrace learning about and feeling for everyone who is part of this hallowed but also conflict-riven region.
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an important documentary that shows us the humanity of the Israelis and Palestinians. Stressing the biblical, religious, and historical roots of Christians and Jews in this war-torn land, it should be seen by anyone seeking to understand how complex the conflict is.
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND does not attempt to resolve the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but it does seek to shed some helpful perspective and provide compassionate understanding on how it affects everyone living in the Holy Land. This film is thought-provoking, sometimes heart-breaking, but ultimately hopeful.
This beautiful, politically nuanced and morally sensitive film models the approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that I’d long hoped to see among Christians: an open heart to the two indigenous, traumatized peoples of the Holy Land.
In our world today there is an increasing number of people who are confused about the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and don’t understand why it persists. Some are even questioning if Israel has the right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state, while others have demonized one side or the other all-together.
In May of 2016 U.S News & World Report reported:
Increasingly…millennial evangelicals say they are struggling to reconcile the land’s biblical significance with new insights gained through studying the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Join us as we help the world reconcile these crucial spiritual and geopolitical issues, and discover that there is a critical perspective that many have not heard or considered—the stories of Arabs who are speaking out against the injustices their people face under the Palestinian Authority; the stories of Jews, Christians, and Muslims who are willing to speak candidly about the conflict, its origins, and the reasons it continues to this day.
These people have a voice to be heard, and the world needs to hear it.
One of the main obstacles to peace is an inability to hear the other side’s story.
Yossi Klein Halevi