See what others saying about Hope in the Holy Land.
This beautiful, politically nuanced and morally sensitive film models the approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that I’d long hoped to see among Christians: an open heart to the two indigenous, traumatized peoples of the Holy Land.
Yossi Klein Halevi, award-winning author, Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor
I have been to Israel over a dozen times in the past 20 years. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND allowed me to hear voices I’ve never heard, examine myths that have never been clarified, and analyze presumptions that I’ve never quantified. POWERFUL. PROVOCATIVE. PAINFUL. INTRIGUING. INSPIRING. EMBARRASSINGLY ENLIGHTENING.
Fasten your seat belts. Strain and stretch to open the doors of your heart, peer through the windows of your understanding and perk up the ears of your mind. Check your baggage – political, experiential, and theological – at the front door and enter into a journey of revelation that just might change your mind, change your heart, and maybe change your life.
Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, DMin, PhD, Trustee, The King’s University, Senior Pastor, Faithful Central Bible Church, Inglewood, CA, Presiding Bishop, Macedonia International Bible Fellowship
Fairness and balance are virtually impossible to achieve when discussing the conflict in the Middle East, and adding faith and theology into the mix usually makes matters even harder. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is extraordinary in its even-handedness and fairness. Sensitive and insightful, it is a model of how people of faith, and indeed, all loving human beings, can embrace learning about and feeling for everyone who is part of this hallowed but also conflict-riven region.
Daniel Gordis, award-winning author of Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn
How often have you heard—“We need a fresh pair of eyes?” HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND provides those eyes for a penetrating look on the deep, often intractable appearing Palestinian-Israel conflict. Watch the film and pass it on!
Hugh Hewitt, American radio talk show host
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND does not attempt to resolve the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but it does seek to shed some helpful perspective and provide compassionate understanding on how it affects everyone living in the Holy Land. This film is thought-provoking, sometimes heart-breaking, and ultimately hopeful.
Greg Laurie, Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, Riverside, CA
A candid, courageous, and passionate journey through the complexities of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND serves as an essential guide for all people of faith who care about peace.
Ambassador Michael Oren, New York Times best-selling author
As a native Arab, I’m overwhelmed by the clarity, honesty, and compassion of this film. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND succeeds in achieving what many of our sophisticated intellectuals can’t, fairness. The film offers, with an open mind and a loving heart, a perfect human image of an impossible conflict exposing the best of us and the worst of us. I hope this movie is not just used in the education of Christians, but everyone.
Hussein Aboubakr, author of Minority of One: Unchaining of an Arab Mind
An incredibly honest, balanced, and insightful look into the complicated yet critically important drama unfolding in the Holy Land today. A must-watch!
Aaron Shust, Singer/Songwriter
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an important and insightful documentary about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that manages to achieve something that so many other films and stories on the subject do not: balance and fairness.
Rabbi Niles Goldstein, Congregation Beth Shalom of Napa Valley, author of Eight Questions of Faith
Finally a candid, daring, and compelling explanation of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through the eyes of those who are living with it. There is no issue that is more pressing to the Middle East than this one. But this film doesn’t just highlight the problem; it celebrates solutions of those whose success stories have been unheard of until now. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND will challenge your views, clarify your theology, and cultivate the proper response that Jesus commanded when He said, “Love your enemy.”
Skip Heitzig, Senior Pastor, Calvary Church, Albuquerque, NM
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is far and away the best documentary I have seen on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is compelling, it is moving, it is fair-minded, it is accurate, and it is beautiful. Above all, it is filled with hope, hope for a better future for all who dwell in the Promised Land.
Dr. Michael Brown, host of The Line of Fire, author of Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: The Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People
I have never seen a documentary that so evenhandedly shows the complexity of the problems in seeking peace in the Middle East. There are no simplistic one-sided solutions presented, but ultimately the only answer is the Gospel that unites Israelis, Palestinians and the rest of us. So, to all, on either side of this debate, my advice is: Please watch it, but be prepared to have your preconceived ideas challenged.
Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church, Chicago, IL
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an emotional journey that may lead you from your personal opinion to truth. Surfing is a powerful tool that helps bring enemies together, brings personal peace and changes lives. Todd Morehead is a committed peacemaker and a man of character. The more you love God the more you’ll love people.
Tom Bauer, Co-Founder of Surfing the Nations
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an important documentary that shows us the humanity of the Israelis and Palestinians. Stressing the biblical, religious, and historical roots of Christians and Jews in this war-torn land, it should be seen by anyone seeking to understand how complex the conflict is. By interviewing both extremists and moderates, it demonstrates that compromise and understanding are the only paths to peace in the Holy Land.
Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn, former Academic Director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding in Israel
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND compellingly strikes me to view the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians through a new lens. It motivates me to pray and evokes a palpable passion for me as a viewer!
Heather Palacios, Founder of, Church by the Glades, Coral Springs, FL
We learn when we listen. And that is the invitation this unique documentary holds for all of us, no matter what our views are regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This film allows us to listen to many, many voices of Arabs and Jews from a wide variety of political and religious streams. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND highlights those everyday voices living in cities, refugee camps, settlements, and in rural areas in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, asking us to hit the pause button on our preconceived ideas and political convictions and instead hear with humility what the people have to say who are living on both sides of the divide. There are no easy answers, but this film will remind us that Jesus’ call to love our neighbor as ourselves is both costly and carries with it hope and healing.
Michelle Van Loon, author of Born To Wander: Recovering the Value of Our Pilgrim Identity
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is full of beauty and ugliness, hope and hopelessness, love and hatred. Throughout the film, people with wildly varying perspectives grapple with an apparently intractable human dilemma: how two peoples with historical claims to the same small land can live together in peace. It makes clear that rigid ideologies and blind intransigence on either side will prevent a solution. For Evangelical Christians who are naturally drawn to the Israeli narrative, it offers a moving insight into the misery of the Palestinians. Finally, it makes clear that facile theologizing will not address the conflict, but only a just political solution. Such a solution requires painful concessions from both sides.
Dr. Jay Phelan, Emeritus President and Dean, North Park Theological Seminary
While the Holy Land may seem far and distant, what takes place in and around Israel holds significance for the Christ-follower. The polarization, conflicts, and political turmoil between Israel and Palestine have lessons to teach us in our own polarized context. One vivid lesson to be learned is that while we all have perceived enemies, those who are captive to ideologies on the left or right are likely to demonize their enemies, making dialogue nearly impossible. Watching HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND will help you to take the time to walk in the shoes of your “enemy” in order to humanize them, understanding the complexity regarding this conflict and others, as well as give you a deeper appreciation of the roots of Christ and our faith.
JR Woodward, PhD, University of Manchester (UK), National Director, The V3 Movement, Author, Creating a Missional Culture, Co-author, The Church as Movement
Anyone who has lived in Israel, myself included, will tell you the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians is infinitely more complicated than what most people conceive. And conveying that complexity has been nearly impossible to do. But in the most brilliant, honest, compelling, and balanced way, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND did just that. It’s the most important film on this subject to date, and one I’d implore everyone to see!
Brad Gray, Founder & Executive Director, Walking the Text
This documentary is a must watch! HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND addresses head on a very complex subject historically, politically, and theologically. It answers many questions while raising others, and invites people of all faiths—or no faith at all—to search the entirety of the Bible concerning the Israeli-Arab conflict.
Stuart Greaves, International House of Prayer, Kansas City, MO
Whatever your religious, theological or political views, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND offers a moving opportunity to hear from real individuals, their tragic suffering, and to better understand why they hold the views they do. It also underlines the hope offered by our common humanity under God and, for those who recognize it, the transforming power of the good news.
Dr. Craig Keener, F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies, Asbury Seminary, and the current president of the Evangelical Theological Society
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND pulls the thread on simplistic pro-Israel and pro-Palestine narratives until they unravel into the complex realities on the ground. This film journey helps the audience plot themselves and the views of the Middle East that we’ve been handed and might have believed without question. Both ends of Christianity’s typical responses to “the conflict” are challenged by this film, not shying away from the microcosms of violence on both sides. This is a must-see non-cynical introduction into the entangled web of religious politics and daily life, featuring the voices of those closest to the conflict: Israeli settlers and Palestinians.
Dr. Dru Johnson, Founder & Director, Center for Hebraic Thought, author of Human Rites: The Power of Rituals, Habits, and Sacraments
The situation of Israel, Palestinians and Arabs in the Middle East took thousands of years to form and become so tangled. Recent events only made the tangle worse. Recognizing the complications in that tangled yarn requires balance, which is rare to find among many who tell the region’s story. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND tells a balanced story. All sides speak and you can see the situation, the various angles and the tangle. It gives insight as to why the situation is so complicated. Anyone close to the situation understands this in their deepest soul. This documentary makes the complexity plain and does us all a great service to show its actual complexity. Watch and learn. It will make you wiser about the realities in the region.
Dr. Darrell L. Bock, Executive Director for Cultural Engagement, Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and Cultural Engagement, Dallas Theological Seminary
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a true spiritual pilgrimage that every believer should watch. In these days when all issues seem to polarize, Christians are divided over whether to support Israel or Palestinians, but God has called us to love them both. How do we do that and be true to the Scriptures? HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is truly an inspirational journey that will show you how. My wife JoAnn and I have been working in Israel since 1995 and we have never seen a film like this! We’ve led 85+ Israel tours and from now on we’re going to have all who go with us watch it. Thank you for your fine, heartfelt work on this landmark film!
Tom Doyle, President of Uncharted Ministries, author of Standing in the Fire: Courageous Christians Living in Frightening
Concise and compelling! For anyone wanting to understand the Palestinian and Israeli conflict — this is the movie you have been waiting for!
Dr. Todd Ahrend, Founder and International Director, The Traveling Team
On my own pilgrimage to Israel in 2019, my heart lit up as I walked in the footsteps of my Savior. However, for Christians it can often be difficult to reconcile the land’s beauty and biblical significance with the conflict that has scoured it for generations. In the face of confusion, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND provides clarity. Todd Morehead’s first-hand journey documented in this film will deepen your understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, all while painting a picture of hope on the horizon as we hear the real voices of those who are taking a stand for peace in this generation.
Tim Lucas, Founder and Lead Pastor of Liquid Church, author of Liquid Church: 6 Powerful Currents to Saturate Your City for Christ
Artful. Clear. Unbiased. Finally, someone has just allowed the Palestinians and Israelis to speak for themselves. Then, you can draw your own conclusions. I’ve certainly drawn mine.
Johnnie Moore, President, The Congress of Christian Leaders, Founder, The KAIROS Company
I love the land of Israel and the people who inhabit it, both Jews and Arabs. I am also keenly aware of the daily challenges those dwelling in the land face in trying to peacefully coexist with one another. In HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND, Todd Morehead does a beautiful job of telling the stories of both Jews and Palestinians—their hopes and dreams, their fears and frustrations, and the ongoing struggles on both sides to leave the past and seek a better future. For anyone interested in an honest look at life in modern day Israel and the only real hope for peace in the future, I highly recommend this film.
Brian Brodersen, Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a beautifully balanced, deeply moving, highly thought-provoking film that I strongly recommend you watch as a family, small group Bible study and with your entire congregation.
Joel C. Rosenberg, New York Times best-selling author, Editor-in-Chief of All Israel News and All Arab News
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is, perhaps, the most powerful and insightful examination of what is known as the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” we have ever seen. It is a stark, sensitive and sincere search into, not only the history of this troubled land, but also into the hearts of the people who inhabit it, treating them all with fairness and compassion. Stunningly filmed, with moving music and impactful interviews, this well-researched, painfully honest and faith-honoring film turns what is seemingly hopeless into something hopeful; a much needed, ‘must-see’ movie for all who seek truth, understanding and peace in the Middle East.
Marty & Jennifer Goetz, Marty Goetz Ministries, Inc.
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a film every follower of Jesus needs to watch to better understand God’s heart for all peoples. As one scholar noted, “The Gospels were birthed in the soil of Judaism. I can’t know who I am spiritually without seeing my connection to Israel.” A telling and moving film that will not only help you better understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but one that will stir your heart to love and prayer for both sides.
Shane Sebastian, Executive Director of Cru Global Missions, author of Dropping In: Experience the Life You Were Meant to Live
In a region beloved by millions around the world, with chaos and crises at every turn, what does the future hold? I was blown away and love this new documentary that tackles the hard questions. What you will see and hear for yourself is nothing less than true hope in the Holy Land!
Ray Bentley (1957-2022), Founding Pastor, Maranatha Chapel, San Diego, CA
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an insightful journey into one of the most complex issues of our time. Powerful vision and timely message as the world watches and waits for true peace to come to the Middle East. Todd Morehead’s biblically-rooted heart for Israel is unmistakable and his genuine compassion for the Palestinian people is felt deeply as he explores what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself” within this difficult context. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6
Jordan Marcellino, Founder & Director, The Beautiful Land Initiative, Israel
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND engages your heart and leads you on a vulnerable and uncensored journey of discovery. The seemingly impossible unifying efforts between Arabs and Jews with the deep historical pain and injustices on both sides is shown in an unbiased and sometimes uncomfortable reality. I highly recommend this film for all that want to learn the history of Israel and the roots and the family stories that make up this complex, politicized, and ongoing conflict.
Tod McDowell, Executive Director Caleb Global
Unbiased inquiry and accurate information concerning the “facts on the ground” in the Middle East conflict are hard to find and more difficult to obtain. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND, though having a position based on a biblical worldview, honestly allows both Israeli and Palestinian voices to be heard. For those wanting to have a direct understanding of the facts and the feelings of those who are daily experiencing the conflict with an agenda that engenders “hope,” there is no better place to start than this fine film.
Randall Price, Ph.D, Distinguished Research Professor of Biblical and Judaic Studies, Liberty University, Curator, Liberty Biblical Museum
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND provides a powerful, compelling look at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. By exploring the issues from all sides, it moves beyond simplistic headlines and slogans to present a thoughtful, nuanced perspective of both the problems as well as potential solutions. Anyone struggling to understand why peace in the Holy Land has been so elusive needs to view this film.
Dr. Charlie Dyer, Professor-at-Large of Bible and host of The Land and the Book radio program
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a fascinating and compelling film examining the ages-old conflict between Israel and Palestine. We continue to hear news of this conflict on a regular basis, but in reality, most people know very little of the incredible complexities which have made this problem nearly impossible to solve. This film outlines those challenges and complexities better than anything else I’ve seen.
Dr. Tim Tomlinson, President Emeritus, Bethlehem College & Seminary, Minneapolis, MN
This film is years overdue. Somehow, in less than two hours, the team behind HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND have managed to pluck us out of myopia and set our eyes on the better promises of the Great King who bled to secure the everlasting covenant, while giving the most succinct and potent history of the last seventy years I’ve ever seen. The modern conflict intimidates with complexity, but remains very simple—and, ultimately, is bound by numbered days. We were privileged to serve Israel’s historic Operation Good Neighbor, and are grateful that remarkable story (among so many others) is included here, but I am most encouraged by the way HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND points us to this better vision: the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will bring the world into profound renewal, and perhaps nowhere on earth will tell that story—the story of the Great King—best like His city, Jerusalem, and the eternal purposes of God for her neighborhood. May we all be part of this restoration.
Stephanie Quick, Frontier Alliance International, Writer/Producer, Covenant and Controversy
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an open-eyed and eye-opening film concerning the deep complexities and challenges of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The film shows the pain and suffering for both peoples; in particular, the film’s sympathetic depiction of Palestinian hardship is especially poignant. As the search for peace in Israel continues, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND rightly demonstrates that true peace will only be found when Israelis and Palestinians learn to see themselves and each other as equal recipients of God’s love.
Rev. Dr. Gerald Hiestand, Calvary Memorial Church, Oak Park, IL
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND offers a clear and insightful look into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has developed through many years of history. I highly recommend it to all those who seek a perspective that is Biblical, balanced, and thorough from start to finish.
Misha, Singer/Songwriter
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a must see documentary. It is time for followers of Jesus to be bridge-builders for peace!
Fouad Masri, Founder, Crescent Project, born and raised in Lebanon
A must-see for our generation! Enlightening. Painful. Insightful. Distressing. But hopeful! Exceptionally filmed and directed, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND provides a clear window into a conflict that has captivated and exhausted the world and its leaders for decades.
Greg Denham, Lead Pastor, Rise Church, San Marcos, CA, and Founder of The Context Movement
In HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND, one commentator says that after years of hate, he discovered who his real enemy is. The film is a path to that discovery for Muslims, Jews and Christians alike. Human to human discovery may be the only path to peace and hope in a region so devastated by bloodshed and despair.
Peggy Shapiro, StandWithUs, Midwest Exec. Director
This film is not for armchair spectators, but for those who wish to fully engage with what is going on in the land of Israel. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is unique, dynamic, courageous, and deeply personal, taking the viewer into the very heart of the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Personal prejudices are confronted, stereotypes challenged, propaganda lies exposed, and biblical truth affirmed in a film which, above all else, seeks to engage with God’s heart for those who live in His land.
Paul Wilkinson, author of Understanding Christian Zionism
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is an amazing film. It is not a sugarcoated presentation of the conflict, but one that is very biblical and empathetic to both Israelis and Palestinians.
Daniel C. Juster, Founding Director of Tikkun International, Author
Groundbreaking, courageous and inspiring. I wish I’d seen this when I began my rabbinate. It gives hope, purpose and guidance. Thank you for your spirit and courage!
Rabbi Evan Moffic, Makom Solel Lakeside Congregation, Highland Park, IL, author of First the Jews: Combating the World’s Longest-Running Hate Campaign
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a provocative but well balanced look at both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It is well-grounded biblically and theologically and compassionate toward both Israelis and Palestinians. Todd Morehead puts himself in the shoes of both sides, which is a helpful example of perspective taking that could be of benefit in encouraging resolving differences in the region with grace and civility.
Dr. Scott B. Rae, Dean of Faculty, Professor of Ethics, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
If there is one film you’re going to watch to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is it!
Col. Richard Kemp, Former Chief of Command of British forces in Afghanistan, Author, Columnist, Speaker
Christian treatments of the Israel-Palestinian conflict are prone to be sentimental, simplistic, unnuanced – and therefore unhelpful. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND avoids all such pitfalls. Todd Morehead has allowed anti-Zionists to present their case while ignoring none of the genuine suffering on either side. Scripture ultimately confronts all those engaged in this debate, even those determined to affirm the veracity of its declarations concerning the Land. This film is a powerful and timely work. Honest, balanced, beautiful.
Perry Trotter, founder of Holocaust and Antisemitism Foundation, creator of Shadows of Shoah and Evangelical Zionism Film Series

An eye opening film that graphically describes the complexity of the conflict in the Holy Land. Real human beings on both sides of the deep divide captures ones heart. A dawning of light in a seemingly endless dark hole, warms the heart with a cry of hope.
Steven Kaylor, Founding Pastor, Hope Church, Japan
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND gives viewers a fair, nuanced and insightful narrative of the exhausting Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Through compassionate and receptive approaches in the conversations, this movie helps us avoid the sense of otherness, and instead challenges us to learn about how we all live our stories with similar love, hope, concern and fear.
Maryam Faghih Imani, Founder & President, Center for Cultural Diplomacy and Development
A rare unbiased film that delves into the personal stories of Christians, Jews and Muslims who have all suffered due to the ongoing conflicts in the region. HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is a rare gem that appeals to the humanity that unites us all, and demonstrates the futility of divisions, which often cause pain and suffering across generations. I highly recommend this beautifully done and powerfully moving film!
Jeff Schoep, former neo-Nazi, Founding Director of Beyond Barriers
Weaving delightfully well-crafted filmmaking with balanced and fair inquiry, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND not only illuminates one of the thorniest problems in the world today; that of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but provides a fresh offer of hope and demonstrably workable solutions that can finally bring healing to this troubled land.
Rick Bundschuh, Pastor of Kauai Christian Fellowship, and author of Soul Surfer: The Bethany Hamilton Story
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND shines probing fresh light on the quandary of the Israeli-Palestinian questions in ways few films by Christians have achieved in the last 20 years. You’ll weep, cringe, and rejoice as you hear the stories of people and communities on every side of this thorny conundrum. Raising many hard issues, the film reveals, probes, and enlightens with honesty and fairness—giving voice to many sides of this challenging dilemma. The producers curate these matters with artistic savvy, while unwaveringly standing on the strong ground of what the Bible reveals about the Land. And still, they show ultimate hope for the Middle East resting in the God of peace himself. This is a film you cannot afford to miss. Hope In the Holy Land provides a stellar resource for home groups, Sunday School classes, youth groups, adult issue groups, and discussion groups. It also gives keen insight into the current Middle East issues faced by professionals making public, denominational, and/or mission policies.
Rev. Dr. Byron Spradlin, President, Artists in Christian Testimony Intl, Brentwood, TN
HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND confronts the world’s most intractable conflict with nuance and compassion. I recommend this powerful film to anyone who wishes to better understand Israelis and Palestinians, and all who wish for peace between them in our lifetime.
Yardena Schwartz,
Award-winning journalist, Emmy-nominated producer, and author of Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine That Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict
As a child Holocaust survivor in Poland, I saw my family and so many other Jews being killed. No one wanted me or any Jew. We had no place to go. I do remember singing Hatikvah, the Jewish national anthem which means “hope.” That is when I learned there was such a place as Palestine. A place biblically, that was my heritage, my refuge and my land. Finally, in 1948, the Jewish dream came true with its recognition as voted by the United Nations. Hitler, and many Arabs who were sympathetic to his cause during the war, had planned to annihilate the Jews in Palestine. Their goal had not been accomplished. When the Jews left their concentration camps and disembarked from the boats in their promised land, Palestine, they kissed the ground and were handed guns to fight all the modern armies from the five surrounding Arab countries. A divine intervention occurred and the Jews won. There is no other explanation. Out of the desert they made the country bloom. They have become a light unto the nations as promised in the Bible. They are willing and ready to help all their neighbors if their Arab leaders would allow peace. I am sure the Palestinians are good people. It is just that so many of them are taught to hate and destroy Israel. The Israelis will live up to the promise…never again. It is a complex problem. One that will be solved through education and G-d’s will. You have done a great service by making this very thoughtful and timely movie. I hope many will see it.
Sam Harris, President Emeritus, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, Skokie, Illinois